Better-for-You Blog

The Many Benefits of Citrus Bergamot
Bergamot essential oil has a good deal of science behind this citrus fruit’s physical and mental benefits.
Do Shampoos and Conditioners Expire?
Parabens are a group of synthetic chemicals commonly used as preservatives in health and beauty products, though they are also found in food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals.
Pharmacopia: Born (Paraben) Free
Parabens are a group of synthetic chemicals commonly used as preservatives in health and beauty products, though they are also found in food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals.
Healing Benefits of Comfrey for Skin and Hair
Herbs like comfrey are just one secret to the effectiveness of Pharmacopia’s skin- and haircare products.
Make Over Your Morning Routine
How you start your morning determines a lot about how motivated, healthy, and happy you’ll be the rest of the day. Try these strategies that work for me.
Our Definition of Better-for-You Ingredients
Better-for-you ingredients are so much more than just natural ingredients. They’re ingredients without harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances. 
A Simple Change: Reduce Single-Use Plastic
Reducing the use of single-use plastics is a small change that can have a big impact on the world around us. 
What is Aromatherapy?
Powerful aromatic compounds extracted from plants’ flowers, bark, fruit, and leaves capture the plant’s essence and have tremendous healing benefits. 
Declutter Your Space and Your Mind Will Follow
It turns out that clutter in our surroundings contributes to decreased focus and lack of clarity, not to mention emotional stress and anxiety. 
Go Green … for St. Patrick’s Day!
There are simple ways you can "green up" your bath, body, and beauty routines. At Pharmacopia, we’re here to help! 
Six Healing Strategies for Winter Wellness
Being careful washing and sanitizing my hands, being aware of not touching my eyes or nose, and wearing a mask has helped me avoid catching other viruses.
Pampering Do-It-Yourself Spa Recipes
Your favorite plant-based Pharmacopia products can easily double as indulgent spa essentials with the addition of a few pantry basics. 
The Secret Ingredients for Happy Lips

Pharmacopia’s devoted customers are clamoring for more of our much-loved Herbal Lip Elixir... it’s vegan, it’s cruelty free, and all the ingredients are plant-based.

What You Need to Know About Cleansers
The idea of creating lots of suds when you wash anything—hair, body, clothes, dishes—has come to be synonymous with getting a great clean. 
A Message from Our Founders
Hear from Pharmacopia's founders about the origins of the company and the passion that keeps us going.